
ProfileMy name is Sinéad O’Ferrall and I have somehow found myself heading off to Kampala, Uganda to intern with the UNFPA for the next two months. This blog will be my thoughts, observations and experience in both written and photographic form of my time here and of  the Global Health field as a whole.

A little about me:

I completed a BSc in Biomedical Science with a specialty in Haematology, Transfusion and Immunology Sciences. After gaining some experience in the Irish Health care system I moved to Malawi to work as a medical scientist in a small health clinic. During this time, not only did I gain an appreciation of the challenges faced working in a resource poor setting, I also learned the importance of education and information as a tool for empowerment. This resulted in and from setting up educational talks covering a range of topics from complex pathology to basic first aid to sex education.

Once it was time for me to return to the fair isle most people call Ireland, I decided I wanted my career to move towards the global health arena so I packed my bags and moved to Copenhagen, Denmark to commence the MSc in Global Health program.

Fast forward a year of studying, exams and hygge to the beginning of second year where I am lucky enough to be interning with UNFPA in Uganda.

So I hope you will join me over the next two months as I blog and photograph my way through the global health field while in the field.


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